It wasn't terrible. Your "melody" was fitting and didnt over-power. Congrats. The bass was nice and fit well with the melody.
Cons: (b ready for it)
Well, to start off, IT IS ANNOYING!!! Its the same thing Over and OVER again! This song should be titled "death to the world by annoyingness"! (whatever). And I know that you say sometimes repetitiveness is good sometimes, and I'll agree. BUT NOT NOW!!! Every song is the same way! IT NEVER ENDS!!!
Ok, enough yelling. The drum beat was kinda annoying after a while (like I do better) so I'd say to just make it vary a little more. (ex: change the bass drum pattern or something. PLZ).
Not bad just vary it more.
Hope you havnt killed yourself! C ya!
ps. Your not using Magix Music Studio or any Magix crap are you?